From Pine View Farm

Republican Science Is a Wonderful Thing 3

Continuing the Republican practice of saying whatever sounds good at the moment, Republican candidate Todd Akin claimed this weekend that women (I’m paraphrasing here) can’t get pregnant from rape unless they enjoyed it.

(Honestly, folks, you can’t make this stuff up–unless you are a Republican. Then anything goes.)

To foster understanding of how this biological process works, ABL has helpfully posted a diagram.



  1. George Smith

    August 20, 2012 at 6:21 pm

    Oh, it gets much much worse. Akin quoted some “statistic” that 5 percent of women raped become pregnant and the party of repugnants have run off it with it as some proof of what he was saying was almost accurate. And they got this “statistic” from an actual medical paper in a journal of obstetrics and gynecology. But if you read the actual paper, the conclusions are very definitely not in line with what the nasty white idiot said. That’s the paper and what the doctors say and what it shows does not at all support the pestilential rubbish Akin and the GOP have glommed onto. Not only do they despise science in the party, they also cannot read scientific or medical papers without twisting things. It is almost inconceivable to me that someone like this could get elected, yet their is this synergy between the GOP and the American heartland’s worst that works, convincing enough to get them into elections and even to win. This horrible man is hardly an exception. The party is a complete affront to human decency and reason. 

  2. From Pine View Farm » Blog's archive » Republican Science Is a Wonderful Thing, Reprise

    August 21, 2012 at 9:16 am

    […] investigation, has uncovered addition tenets of Republican science, to supplement the belief that a woman can’t get pregnant from rape unless she secretly enjoyed it. A snippet; follow the link for the […]

  3. Frank

    August 21, 2012 at 10:07 am

    Snarking aside, the ability of some folks to live entirely in a fantasy world, and use those fantasies to guide their actions in this world, is distressing.
    Their ability to drag others along with them is frightening.