From Pine View Farm

Rites of Passage 2

I remember having woman store clerks in Yankeeland look at me funny when I said, “Yes, ma’am.” They thought I was commenting on their age, when I was just being polite (Southerners will understand).

At the same time, I remember how jarring it was the first time some whippersnapper referred to me as “Sir.”



  1. Bill

    May 11, 2014 at 7:48 pm

    That’s not as bad as having a waitress give you the “senior discount” on your meal check when you didn’t ask for it.

  2. Frank

    May 11, 2014 at 10:25 pm

    I remember checking into the Marriott Courtyard in Princeton, NJ, about a decade ago on a business trip.

    The clerk asked, “Do you have any discounts: AAA, AARP, and so on?” I said, “Well, I’m an AARP member; Would you like to see the card?” (I swear, they knew I was 50 before I realized it!)

    He said, “No.”

    Gee, thanks.