From Pine View Farm

Selective Enforcement 0

John Romano questions the rationale the Florida Attorney-General’s rationale tenaciously defending Florida’s ban on gay marriage. His brief contains several points; here’s a bit on one of them. I selected this bit to except because it is typical of the behavior of culture warriors–they turn blind eyes to what those on their side do.

The final issue has to do with the Attorney General’s vigorous and vacuous arguments against gay marriage. Bondi has repeatedly stated that hers is not a personal crusade but rather her responsibility as the state’s top law enforcement official.

This argument would carry much greater weight if the Attorney General did not pick and choose which laws and constitutional amendments to aggressively enforce.

Republican Family Values are not “values.” They are tactics. Votes are the value.

If Republicans don’t think they can turn “values” into votes, they aren’t interested in “values.”


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