From Pine View Farm

“The Smart One,” Reprise 0

In more news of the Smart One, Shaun Mullen discusses the Smart One’s decision to hide behind the flag when called on his saying that, knowing what we know now, he would still support the Great and Glorious Patriotic War for a Lie in Iraq.

Here’s a snippet, in which words are not minced, but the Smart One is:

After tying his shoelaces together and falling on his face, Bush opined that Hillary would say the same thing. That is demonstrably false, although like most senators (but not Barack Obama) she was for the war in 2003 before she was against it, finally settling on the line during the 2008 Democratic primary that “If we knew then what we know now, I would never have voted to give this president the authority.”

No, what burned the red, white and blue ass of this veteran is that Jeb Bush defaulted to cowardice. Because, doncha know, any criticism of the troops and by extension his former commander-in-chief brother is unpatriotic — a battle-tested, if vile, tactic from the Republican playbook to tamp down dissent when it threatens to come uncomfortably close to the truth.

If this response has the ring of familiarity, it is because President Bush, and Vice President Cheney in particular, used it early and often in calling into question anyone and everyone who opposed that fool’s mission, which wasted nearly 4,500 American and perhaps 110,000 Iraqi lives, left the country in far worse shape than when the war began, further destabilized one of the world’s most volatile regions and handed Iran — and by extension Al Qaeda and an emergent ISIS — an enormous strategic advantage.

Do read the rest.


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