From Pine View Farm

Still Traitors after All These Years 2

From Facing South (full article at the link):

One claim that’s been circulating among Confederate apologists in recent weeks would have us believe that Congress passed a law in 1958 giving Confederate veterans status under law equal to U.S. veterans.


But in fact, the law does not do what Confederate apologists say it does. It certainly does not “pardon” Confederate veterans, nor does not generally give them status “equal to” U.S. veterans.

It’s ironic that the same folks who decry the evul fedrul guvmint would claim its sanction.



  1. George Smith

    July 27, 2015 at 5:52 pm

    Note comments section. There’s nothing to be done or said.

  2. Frank

    July 27, 2015 at 10:21 pm

    I’ll check it out.

    I normally avoid comments sections, as they are usually pools of cess.