From Pine View Farm

“Thank You for Your Service,” Republican Style 0

There is a simple solution for situations such as this one, but you will not see it advanced in Washington, where the Republican Party underfunds government agencies (other than the military) so Republicans can then complain that government agencies (other than the military*) don’t work.

Dozens of West Coast military veterans incorrectly received letters indicating they’d lose unemployment benefits after an overworked Department of Veterans Affairs office in Seattle lost track of records the veterans had submitted, according to a VA Inspector General report released this week.

Fund the damned agencies adequately.

Reported in front of Captol Building:  A government shutdown has been averted.  Now the government can continue to operate . . . like it's shut down.

Click for a larger image.


*The military’s performance in accomplishing goals set for it is its own topic.

(Afterthought: The issue there, though, is not so much the military itself as it is policies that place a mystickal magickal macho man faith in the efficacy of building things by blowing them up.)


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