From Pine View Farm

A Picture Is Worth 2

Picture of Albert Einstein captioned, "Non-Christian Refugee."

Southern Beale has more.

Image via Juan Cole.


It is ironic that, if (when?) this country goes to hell, it will be persons who loudly proclaim themselves “Christian” who lead it there.



  1. George Smith

    November 17, 2015 at 3:30 pm

    The senior scientists of the Manhattan Project, world leaders in high energy physics before WWII. Hans Bethe, from Germany to England to America. Enrico Fermi, from Mussolini’s Italy to England to here, was responsible for building the fission pile at the U. of Chicago. Leo Szilard, from Germany, fleeing the Nazis. Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam, fleeing the Nazis, were in the Manhattan Project and developed the design for the Super, the first H-bomb.

  2. Frank

    November 17, 2015 at 11:08 pm

    Hate and fear ain’t rational. That’s why Republicans depend on them.