From Pine View Farm

Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Allan Miller laments the digital diatribe. A bit:

One only has to scroll the sulfurous comments concerning an online story or opinion piece to see how toxic things have become. It’s become so bad that many publications have simply stopped fielding comments because of their sheer hatefulness.

The targets of this digital abuse may vary from the author to the commentators themselves insulting one another with sophomoric responses. “Sophomoric” is the operative word because many of these comments resemble the stuff that one finds splattered on restroom walls, public buildings and park benches.

I suspect that immediacy is part of this. Back in the olden days, emotion could dissipate while one searched for a pen or rolled paper into a typewriter. One wonders how many hateful commenters would dissipate in the time required to get a keyboard out of the drawer and attach it to one’s electronic computing device.


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