From Pine View Farm

The Galt and the Lamers 2

At the Progressive Populist, which is biweekly printed aggregator of opinion and analysis pieces, Hal Crowther examines the right-wing’s fascination with Ayn Rand and finds it irrational. He includes an anecdote of meeting her when she was invited to speak at his school way long ago.

Here’s a snippet:

If corporate feudalism is your dream for America, she’s the prophet for you. Her naïve faith in capitalism and contempt for “the welfare state” are just what the right-wing doctor ordered.

Much of the rest, alas, will never fly in Alabama. Pundits have been delighted to note that the heroine of the new Republicans was a pacifist who opposed the Vietnam War, a feminist who supported abortion, an adulteress who preached free love, a bohemian who mocked family life and child-bearing, an elitist who sneered at the common man, and, after all her “nanny state” rhetoric, a recipient of Social Security and Medicare and a late, sick convert to the benefits of socialized medicine.

Worst of all, for tea-stained Christian Republicans, she was a militant atheist. In Rand’s ideology religious faith was the most abject form of weakness, a sniveling retreat from the hardheaded, self-centered “objectivism” her heroes impose on the world. She not only would have rejected Jesus and his gospels, she actually did—-repeatedly.



  1. Dick Destiny » What Fabian was to rock ‘n’ roll

    July 27, 2011 at 2:46 pm

    […] Hat tip to Pine View Farm, who finds these things faster than I can. […]

  2. all three

    July 27, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    Right on!