From Pine View Farm

On Top of Everything Else 3

The Family Windows box died.

“Hard Drive not found.”

Made sure everything was plugged in tight inside the box.

It was.

I ran out to Second Source and got another one. After a week-and-half playing IT Tech to my webserver, I really didn’t feel like playing bench tech to what is almost certainly a failed hard drive.

When I get a little energy, I’ll remove the harddrive, jumper it to slave, slap it into another computer, and see if I can salvage anything. All my important data is backed up in two or three different places, but I can’t say that about all the computer users in the house. . . .



  1. Karen

    October 8, 2008 at 6:28 am

    It let me log in. Fixed.

    I would say I feel for you, but it’s really hard to do. Really, you know how & what it takes to make them work again.

    I get in that shape, at least I know who to call now.

  2. Frank

    October 8, 2008 at 7:43 am

    [grin] Stuff happens. Computers are just things. Things can break.

    Yeah, I know how to fix them. I enjoy making them work.

    But I will never understand fuel injection. When my truck breaks, I take it to Donnie.

    Donnie understands fuel injection.

  3. Karen

    October 9, 2008 at 4:21 am

    Yeah, we found a really good mechanic in our own area. So far, he’s been able to handle all we’ve thrown at him, & quickly. He understands business use.