From Pine View Farm

Your Vote Matters 0

Or, as John Cole titled his post, from which I shamelessly stole this, “Elections Have Consequences.”

While I was waiting for someone–anyone–to show up at the Bellefonte Cafe this evening, I got into a tangle with someone who was surprised that I support Obama (frankly, if the Democrats had nominated a dachshund, I would vote for it against any Republican).

(Based on stuff I overheard later, I think she might be favoring some Libertarian nutcase.)

I pointed out to her that “elections are not about who’s not running” and later offered her an Obama sticker.

Remember that my son has been in the line of fire for two tours because of Bush’s lies. He has served honorably a dishonorable regime.

So has this man.

Dammit, elections matter.

And vote right, which means vote Left.

Unless you like having blood on your hands.


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